About The Winslows

Gavin Winslow - Donate Life!Jay: The father and ring leader for this circus. He is grounded and calm while juggling all the balls in the air that life throws at them. He is a HUGE Chicago Cubs fan, so it goes without saying he is an optimist! He is a financial representative for Northwestern Mutual Life (www.nmfn.com/jaywinslow)

Jill: A stay at home mom who is donating her spare kidney to save her sons life. A grass roots kind of ragamuffin approach to life. She hula’s through life with a lot of zest and has the soul of a mother who loves her kids.

Lauren: affectionately nicknamed Lulu, is an action packed, funny and opinionated blur of energy. She takes life like a cowgirl riding a bronco: full throttle and straight ahead! Life focus—- to get into her friends houses, ride horses and get some quality book reading time.

Gavin: a hot tempered little fighter who was born in renal failure that requires him to get a kidney transplant. He’s heavy on green beans and snuggling. Special interest in balls and dogs. A true inspiration to all of how to cherish what you have and enjoy all that lies in front of you. His journey has brought us to our knees with sadness and we’ve ridden on angels wings of delight. At the end of each day we just thank god that we get to tuck him in each night!